Summer is here - or almost here, depending on where you live - and hopefully that means you can catch some rays and relax with a good book. So, from now through August, we're adding Summer Reading Material reviews to our Mom Reviews section!
First up on our list is the new Sci-Fi/Romance/Fantasy book The Chosen One by D.L. Mains. This is Ms. Mains first published novel and she was kind enough to send us a copy to check out!
A little briefer: The Chosen One combines futuristic science fiction, Harlequin-esque romances, and a hint of fantasy. Even if you're a fan of only one of these genres, or have never tried any at all before, I guarantee this intriguing piece of fiction will suck you right in.
The Chosen One tells a tale of a post-apocolypse setting based in what we (now) know as New York. The human race has nearly been wiped out by an alien race known as the Venturians. A long and brutal war has been waged between the races and the humans are struggling to regain control of the Earth. Within this main theme, the stories of the three main characters will unfold before you. There is Jesse Sullivan - co-commander of the human uprising against the alien force. Jesse is strong-willed, a natural leader, and -of course- gorgeous. I loved being able to relate to her inner thoughts and tribulations as a female as they unfold. It is a refreshing change from the typical male protagonist. Next, there is Davros of Manderlay - a Venturian noble desiring peace between themselves and the humans, and who seeks to find the answers of a prophecy laid before him. The third perspective is that of Gar, the cruel, heartless, and vindictive leader of the Venturian armies against the human race. All of this is wrapped in a tale that is intense and passionate, and a hint of seriousness because it relates directly to the world in which we live - not just a world that we have conjured based on Ms. Mains eloquent words.
This book is a great summer read because the chapters, while numerous, are short and are typically from the perspective of just one of the main characters at a time. For instance, Jesse's story begins in the first chapter, where you learn of her mission and a brief history. Chapter two switches to the introduction of Gar, and so on. You can digest a portion of the story and put it down if necessary - but you won't want to. The tale of this epic battle is compelling and you will not just want, but need to know what happens next at each turn.
I would love to write more about the plot but I would also hate to give away any twists or turns. The details of this novel of love and hate is best contemplated on your own. And so, we here at Bunnies & Buggies Boutique are giving you the chance to see for yourself! We are going to be giving one lucky winner a copy of The Chosen One for free to kick start your summer literary adventures! And if you're not our lucky winner, her book IS available at Amazon.com as well!
How can you win this awesome book? Here it is:
- Leave a comment below telling us why you want this book! (one entry)
- Tweet about this contest on Twitter, and leave a post with a link to your Tweet (one entry per day)
- Visit Ms. Mains' website, and leave a comment at her guestbook - then come back and let us know you did! (one entry)
- Write about this contest on your blog or website, then post the link here! (one entry)
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