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    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    What's new with us?

    We're getting ready for fall!

    Just added this week in our Etsy shop - some great new jewelry for girls, made to match the newest Gymboree lines for back to school! You can grab our great new Classroom Kitty charm bracelet, seen here. Also, more made to match coming just in time for fall! Keep your eyes peeled!

    Doing some early holiday shopping? In our Ebay store we've got some great new collectibles and toys - including some My Twinn doll dresses!

    Also being unveiled this week - our official website, which you can find at! It's long overdue for us, and I'm so happy to announce the opening! From here, you can find links to both our stores, some company information, links to our blog (here) and our affiliate's sites. Please, go give it a peek!

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008

    Dead Tired.......

    Want a wardrobe that is just to die for? Check out Patricia's Upscale Resale on Ebay. Photo is also courtesy of her!