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    Saturday, November 8, 2008

    The price of nostalgia......

    Is roughly $10 plus shipping.

    Well, at least for me it is. In a moment of brilliance the other day, I decided that if I had a lunchbox, perhaps I would actually remember to take my lunch to work for once. And that if I couldn't make it fit in the lunchbox, I couldn't EAT it, therefore helping me stick to my diet.

    Like I can't cram a lunchbox full of Twinkies.

    Anyway, the quest for the perfect lunch box began. I decided I wanted something retro from my childhood (the 80's) and it had to be real retro, not a reproduction. Of course, the 80's were the high point of the plastic lunchbox and thermos combo, so I started my quest on the site of all-things-you-need-to-have, Ebay.

    After about 3 hours of searching, I found it - a REAL vintage She-Ra Princess of Power lunchbox with matching thermos, in good condition. This was the lunch box I really really wanted as a kid and never got. It arrived today, better than pictured, and I really am beside myself with happy childhood memories at the moment. And plans for what I can pack inside this week.

    So, dear readers (as few of you as there are! LOL), what's the one thing you really wanted as a kid but never got? Did you ever get one later in life? If not, maybe if you're really good, Santa will bring you one this year. :)